Are Spikeless Golf Shoes Better Than Spiked?

Are Spikeless Golf Shoes Really Better Than Spiked? As a golfer, it is important to have the right footwear to help you perform your best on the course. Spikeless golf shoes and spiked golf shoes are two popular options, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks.

spikeless or spiked golf shoes are better for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs as a golfer. Some golfers may find that spikeless shoes offer the comfort and versatility they need, while others may prefer the added stability and support of spiked shoes. It is important to try out both types of shoes and see which one works best for you.

Spikeless golf shoes:

Spikeless golf shoes are shoes that do not have traditional spikes or cleats on the bottom. Instead, they often feature a flat, rubber outsole with grooves or patterns that provide traction on the course. Spikeless shoes are typically more versatile and comfortable than spiked shoes, and they are often preferred by golfers who play on a variety of different terrain and courses.

spiked golf shoes:

On the other hand, spiked golf shoes are shoes that have metal or plastic spikes on the bottom, which help to provide stability and traction on the course. These shoes are often preferred by golfers who need additional support and stability while swinging and playing, particularly in wet or slippery conditions.

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Is Spikeless Golf Shoes Good for Your Game?

The benefits of spikeless golf shoes

There are several benefits to wearing spikeless golf shoes:


Spikeless golf shoes are often more comfortable than spiked shoes, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet on the course. The lack of spikes means that there is less pressure on the bottom of your feet, which can help to reduce fatigue and discomfort.


Spikeless shoes can be worn on a variety of different courses and terrain, making them a more versatile option for golfers who play on different courses. They also work well for practicing on the driving range or hitting balls on the putting green.

Ease of use: 

Spikeless shoes are easier to put on and take off than spiked shoes, which can be a convenient feature for golfers who are in a hurry to get on the course. They also do not require the maintenance that spiked shoes do, such as changing the spikes or cleaning out the dirt that can accumulate in the spikes.


Spikeless shoes are often more stylish than spiked shoes, which can be a consideration for some golfers. They come in a wide range of colors and styles, so you can choose a pair that matches your personal style.

Environmentally friendly: 

Spikeless shoes do not damage the course as much as spiked shoes, which can be a concern for some golfers who want to be more environmentally friendly.

It is important to note that while spikeless shoes have many benefits, they may not offer the same level of stability and support as spiked shoes, particularly in wet or slippery conditions. This is something to consider if you need additional support while playing golf.

The drawbacks of spikeless golf shoes

There are also some potential drawbacks to wearing spikeless golf shoes:

Lack of stability: 

Spikeless shoes may not offer the same level of stability and support as spiked shoes, particularly in wet or slippery conditions. This can be a concern for golfers who need additional support while swinging and playing.

Reduced traction: 

While spikeless shoes do provide some traction on the course, they may not offer the same level of grip as spiked shoes. This can be a problem for golfers who play on particularly wet or slippery courses, or for those who need extra traction for their swing.

Shortage of options: 

While there are many stylish and comfortable spikeless golf shoes available, the selection may be more limited compared to spiked shoes. This can make it harder for some golfers to find a pair that meets their specific needs and preferences.


Spikeless golf shoes may be more expensive than spiked shoes, particularly if you are looking for a high-quality pair. This can be a consideration for golfers who are looking to save money on their footwear.

Overall, while spikeless golf shoes do have some potential drawbacks, they can still be a good option for many golfers, depending on their personal preferences and needs. It is important to try out both spikeless and spiked shoes and see which one works best for you.

The benefits of spiked golf shoes

Spiked golf shoes are shoes that have metal or plastic spikes on the bottom, which help to provide stability and traction on the course. Here are some benefits of wearing spiked golf shoes:


Spiked shoes offer a high level of stability and support on the course, particularly on wet or slippery conditions. This can be particularly helpful for golfers who need extra support while swinging and playing.


Spiked shoes provide excellent traction on the course, thanks to the metal or plastic spikes on the bottom. This can be especially important for golfers who play on particularly wet or slippery courses, or for those who need extra traction for their swing.


Spiked shoes are typically very durable and long-lasting, especially if they are made from high-quality materials. This can be a consideration for golfers who want a pair of shoes that will last for many rounds of golf.

Wide range of options: 

There is a wide range of spiked golf shoes available on the market, so it is easy to find a pair that meets your specific needs and preferences.

Professional appearance: 

Some golfers prefer the traditional, professional look of spiked shoes, which can be a consideration when choosing your footwear.

It is important to note that while spiked shoes do offer many benefits, they may not be as comfortable or versatile as spikeless shoes. They also require more maintenance, such as changing the spikes or cleaning out the dirt that can accumulate in the spikes.

The drawbacks of spiked golf shoes

There are also some potential drawbacks to wearing spiked golf shoes:


Spiked shoes may not be as comfortable as spikeless shoes, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet on the course. The metal or plastic spikes can cause pressure on the bottom of your feet, which can lead to fatigue and discomfort.

Limited versatility: 

Spiked shoes are typically not as versatile as spikeless shoes, as they are designed specifically for use on the golf course. They may not be suitable for other types of terrain or activities, such as practicing on the driving range or hitting balls on the putting green.


Spiked shoes require more maintenance than spikeless shoes, such as changing the spikes or cleaning out the dirt that can accumulate in the spikes. This can be a hassle for some golfers.

Damage to the course:

Spiked shoes can cause damage to the course, particularly if the spikes are worn down or if the course is particularly wet or soft. This can be a concern for golfers who want to be more environmentally friendly.

Which is better? Spikeless or spiked golf shoes?

When deciding which type of golf shoe is right for you, there are several factors to consider. Course conditions, foot type, swing style, and personal preferences are all important things to think about. If you play on wet or slippery courses, spiked shoes may be a better choice for you because of their added stability and traction. 

However, if you play on dry, firm courses, spikeless shoes may be a more comfortable and versatile option. If you have flat feet or high arches, you may need additional support and stability while playing golf, in which case spiked shoes may be a good choice. 

If you have a more controlled swing, either spikeless or spiked shoes may be suitable. Ultimately, it is a good idea to try out both types of shoes and see which one works best for you. 

You may also want to consult with a golf professional or foot specialist for advice on which type of shoe is best for your specific needs and preferences.


In conclusion, whether spikeless or spiked golf shoes are better for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs as a golfer. Spikeless golf shoes are a popular choice because they are comfortable, versatile, and easy to use, and they do not cause as much damage to the course as spiked shoes. 

However, spiked shoes may offer the added stability and support that some golfers need, particularly on wet or slippery courses.

It is important to consider the specific course conditions, your foot type, swing style, and personal preferences when deciding between spikeless and spiked golf shoes. Both types of shoes have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it is a good idea to try out both and see which one works best for you.